CERN exhibition at Ellinogermaniki Agogi

In the framework of the “Surrounded by Science OPEN DAYS”, teachers from all over Europe visited the facilities of Ellinogermaniki Agogi (EA) during their participation at the European School Innovation Academy – ESIA summer schools.

During the visit, a total of 60 participants were introduced to the research conducted in CERN and to the long collaboration of the organization with EA by prof. Christine Kourkoumelis (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens). They also visited CERN’s interactive exhibition, currently hosted by EA in the framework of the celebrations for the 70th anniversary of CERN. They played “Proton Football”, discovered the effect of the Higgs boson and learned how Particle Physics is applied to cutting-edge medicine.

The tour of the school’s facilities included a visit to the seismometer, the Foucault pendulum and of course the fully equipped Observatory. Through this visit teachers had the opportunity to discuss how non-formal educational activities can be part of the school, enriching students’ experiences and transforming the school into a scientific hub for the local community.